A Bank of America branch in the mid-1990s, this was once a Hibernia branch robbed by Parry Hearst and the SLA. photograph: Dimitri Loukakos
Robber Baron's Progeny Robs Bank
Bank of America, formerly Security Pacific Bank, formerly Hibernia Bank, 1450 Noriega at 22nd Ave. In the spring of 1974, Patty "Tania" Hearst, grand-daughter of William Randolph "Citizen Kane" Hearst, knocked over this bank with her Symbionese Liberation Army comrades. Prior to the robbery, Patty was considered a victim by the cops and media. But when the bank's security cameras captured images of Patty brandishing a semi-automatic weapon during the heist, she suddenly became America's most famous revolutionary terrorist. After Patty was captured, Attorney F. Lee Bailey largely succeeded in reversing the transformation.
by Dr. Weirde