Bernal Heights to Billy Goat Hill Walking Tour

Walking Tour

by Chris Carlsson

Precita park 3714596054 a74f473f90.jpg

View from Billy Goat Hill 3713681791 5ef3053c71.jpg

This is a fantastic view-rich walk on July 9, 2005 from Precita Park, up Peralta Stairs, down Joy Stairs, over the summit of Bernal Heights, down the Esmeralda Stairs, down the Kingston Stairs, then popping out on Laidley Street, down Laidley past some great architecture to the Harry Steps, up them to Beacon Street, on to Billy Goat Hill for views and kids swinging on the big Eucalpytus, then up Castro street and Stairs to the summit at Duncan where there's a bit of open space, down the hill and stairs to gardens at Castro and Newburg and 27th Streets. Photos by Chris Carlsson.


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