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Bernard Ralph Maybeck was born February 7, 1862 in New York City,  
Bernard Ralph Maybeck was born February 7, 1862 in New York City, the son of German immigrant parents. His father Bernhardt was a cabinet maker, specializing in architectural carving, who had emigrated to the United States in 1851. Bernard's mother, Elisa, died when he was three and he was brought up in his maternal grandfather's house. At private schools in New York he obtained a broad liberal arts education, including French, German, philosophy and the arts. In 1881 his father arranged for him to be apprenticed in Paris. Soon after arriving there, Maybeck applied to enter the prestigious architectural school,<i> L'&Eacute;cole des Beaux-Arts</i>. After five years of intensive training, based in the <i>atelier</i> of Jules Andr&eacute;, Maybeck had completed the equivalent amount of work to French students who were awarded the <i>diplome</i>. Maybeck returned to New York in 1886 and started work for the newly-formed firm of Carr&egrave;re &amp; Hastings, contributing to the designs of two Florida hotels, the Ponce de Leon and the Alcazar.
                    the son of German immigrant parents. His father Bernhardt  
                    was a cabinet maker, specializing in architectural carving,  
                    who had emigrated to the United States in 1851. Bernard's  
                    mother, Elisa, died when he was three and he was brought up  
                    in his maternal grandfather's house. At private schools in  
                    New York he obtained a broad liberal arts education, including  
                    French, German, philosophy and the arts. In 1881 his father  
                    arranged for him to be apprenticed in Paris. Soon after arriving  
                    there, Maybeck applied to enter the prestigious architectural  
                    school,<i> L'&Eacute;cole des Beaux-Arts</i>. After five years  
                    of intensive training, based in the <i>atelier</i> of Jules  
                    Andr&eacute;, Maybeck had completed the equivalent amount  
                    of work to French students who were awarded the <i>diplome</i>.  
                    Maybeck returned to New York in 1886 and started work for  
                    the newly-formed firm of Carr&egrave;re &amp; Hastings, contributing  
                    to the designs of two Florida hotels, the Ponce de Leon and  
                    the Alcazar.<br>

By 1889, Maybeck was ready to establish his own practice and selected Kansas City as the location. However the nationwide economic depression of the late 1880's meant that there were few opportunities there. While in Kansas City though, Maybeck met the White family, including father Henry, sons John and Mark, and daughter Annie. In 1890, [[Willis Polk|Willis Polk]] encouraged Maybeck to move out to San Francisco. Maybeck proposed to Annie White and they relocated to the Bay Area, settling in Berkeley. Annie became his secretary and business agent, as well as his lifelong companion.
                    By 1889, Maybeck was ready to establish his own practice and  
                    selected Kansas City as the location. However the nationwide  
                    economic depression of the late 1880's meant that there were  
                    few opportunities there. While in Kansas City though, Maybeck  
                    met the White family, including father Henry, sons John and  
                    Mark, and daughter Annie. In 1890, [[Willis Polk|Willis  
                    Polk]] encouraged Maybeck to move out to San Francisco.  
                    Maybeck proposed to Annie White and they relocated to the  
                    Bay Area, settling in Berkeley. Annie became his secretary  
                    and business agent, as well as his lifelong companion.<br>
                    In San Francisco Maybeck worked first for architects Wright
                    &amp; Sanders and then, for a year, as an interior designer.
                    In 1891 he joined the office of architect [[A. Page Brown|A. Page Brown]], contributing to the design and then supervising
                    the construction in Chicago of the California Building for
                    the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, and later working on
                    the Administration Building and the Manufactures and Liberal
                    Arts Building for the 1894 Midwinter Fair in San Francisco.<br>

In San Francisco Maybeck worked first for architects Wright &amp; Sanders and then, for a year, as an interior designer. In 1891 he joined the office of architect [[A. Page Brown|A. Page Brown]], contributing to the design and then supervising the construction in Chicago of the California Building for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, and later working on the Administration Building and the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building for the [[The 1894 Midwinter Fair in Golden Gate Park|1894 Midwinter Fair in San Francisco]].
                    In 1894, the Reverend Joseph Worcester, pastor of the Church
                    of the New Jerusalem and an architectural patron in the City,
                    commissioned Brown to design the [[The Swedenborgian Garden Church| Swedenborgian Church]] at the corner of Lyon and Washington streets in Pacific Heights.
                    Along with Maybeck, architect A. C. Schweinfurth, and artists
                    Bruce Porter and William Keith also collaborated on the design.
                    Examples of all of their contributions to the final result
                    may still be seen in the Church. Author Charles Keeler, for
                    whom Maybeck had designed a home in the Berkeley hills, writes
                    about the mutual respect of Worcester and Maybeck and clearly
                    attributes the design of the church to Maybeck. Thanks to
                    a long effort by church elders and staff from the award-winning
                    architectural and historic preservation company, Architectural
                    Resources Group, the church is now in the final stages of  
                    being added to the [ National
                    Register of Historic Places]<br>
                    As work on the Swedenborgian Church neared completion, Maybeck
                    was invited to apply for a position of instructor in descriptive
                    geometry for the Civil Engineering College at the University
                    of California, Berkeley, for the fall semester of 1894. So
                    began an involvement with U.C. which was to last until 1903
                    and included his organization of a worldwide competition,
                    funded by Phoebe Apperson Hearst, to create a comprehensive
                    and permanent plan for development of the University. Maybeck
                    also encountered several students, such as Lewis
                    Hobart, Albert Lansburgh, and [[Julia Morgan|Julia Morgan]], who were
                    more interested in architecture than engineering. Maybeck
                    began teaching them architectural design and encouraged them
                    to attend<i> L'&Eacute;cole des Beaux-Arts</i> in Paris, as
                    he had done. With Maybeck's help, Julia Morgan became the
                    first woman to be formally admitted.<br>

In 1894, the Reverend Joseph Worcester, pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem and an architectural patron in the City, commissioned Brown to design the [[The Swedenborgian Garden Church| Swedenborgian Church]] at the corner of Lyon and Washington streets in Pacific Heights. Along with Maybeck, architect A. C. Schweinfurth, and artists Bruce Porter and William Keith also collaborated on the design. Examples of all of their contributions to the final result may still be seen in the Church. Author Charles Keeler, for whom Maybeck had designed a home in the Berkeley hills, writes about the mutual respect of Worcester and Maybeck and clearly attributes the design of the church to Maybeck. Thanks to a long effort by church elders and staff from the award-winning architectural and historic preservation company, Architectural Resources Group, the church is now in the final stages of being added to the [ National Register of Historic Places]
                    In 1895, Maybeck was also appointed Director of the Architectural  
                    Section of the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, which was located  
As work on the Swedenborgian Church neared completion, Maybeck was invited to apply for a position of instructor in descriptive geometry for the Civil Engineering College at the University of California, Berkeley, for the fall semester of 1894. So began an involvement with U.C. which was to last until 1903 and included his organization of a worldwide competition, funded by Phoebe Apperson Hearst, to create a comprehensive and permanent plan for development of the University. Maybeck also encountered several students, such as Lewis Hobart, Albert Lansburgh, and [[Julia Morgan|Julia Morgan]], who were more interested in architecture than engineering. Maybeck began teaching them architectural design and encouraged them to attend<i> L'&Eacute;cole des Beaux-Arts</i> in Paris, as he had done. With Maybeck's help, Julia Morgan became the first woman to be formally admitted.
                    in the Gothic mansion on Nob Hill designed by Wright &amp;  
                    Sanders for Mark Hopkins, treasurer of the Central Pacific  
In 1895, Maybeck was also appointed Director of the Architectural Section of the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, which was located in the Gothic mansion on Nob Hill designed by Wright &amp; Sanders for Mark Hopkins, treasurer of the Central Pacific Railroad. Hopkins had died before its completion in 1878. Hopkins wife Mary remarried in 1881. Her second husband, Edward Searles, was an interior designer and art collector. When Mary died in 1891, Searles inherited most of her fortune and generously donated the mansion to the San Francisco Art Association in 1893.
                    Railroad. Hopkins had died before its completion in 1878.  
                    Hopkins wife Mary remarried in 1881. Her second husband, Edward  
Also in 1895 the Maybeck's invited the rest of the White family to join them after Henry White was forced to retire from teaching in Kansas City due to ill-health. Annie's brothers John and Mark White would work in collaboration with Maybeck at various times for the rest of his professional career. Maybeck opened his own office in 1895 at 307 Sansome Street, which was later lost, along with all of his records, in the 1906 earthquake and fire. In 1907 Maybeck opened a new office at 35 Montgomery Street.
                    Searles, was an interior designer and art collector. When  
                    Mary died in 1891, Searles inherited most of her fortune and  
During Maybeck's long career he designed over 150 buildings in California, the majority of them being houses in Berkeley, but with several in San Francisco. Two of the earliest, in1909, were in Presidio Heights - a townhouse for Samuel Goslinsky at 3233 Pacific, and the much larger Tudor-style corner house for Leon Roos at 3500 Jackson, now San Francisco Landmark #56.
                    generously donated the mansion to the San Francisco Art Association  
                    in 1893.<br>
In Forest Hill he designed 51 Sotelo (1913), 270 Castenada (1916), 275 Pacheco (1917), and the Association Clubhouse at 381 Magellan (1919). Examples of his commercial work in the City can be found on Telegraph Hill at 1736 Stockton (1907-28), now the 'Maybeck Building' offices, and the Earle C. Anthony Packard showroom at 901 Van Ness (1926), now San Francisco Landmark #153.
                    Also in 1895 the Maybeck's invited the rest of the White family  
In 1910, Maybeck was selected to design the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Berkeley, now widely regarded as an architectural masterpiece. Much later he was to design Principia College in Elsah, in Jersey County, Illinois, also for the Christian Scientists. Maybeck's involvement with Principia began in 1923 and lasted until 1940, carrying his San Francisco office through the Depression. Eleven of Maybeck's original buildings remain, nearly all steel-framed or reinforced concrete construction. In 1993 Principia College was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
                    to join them after Henry White was forced to retire from teaching  
                    in Kansas City due to ill-health. Annie's brothers John and  
Maybeck's best known legacy to San Francisco architecture is the Palace of Fine Arts and Lagoon, designed for the [[SAILING TO BYZANTIUM: 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition|Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915]]. Willis Polk was the Chairman of the Board of Architects for this World's Fair. Polk conceived a 'Walled City of Palaces' for the Exposition and was so impressed with Maybeck's initial sketches for the Fine Arts building that he turned over its design to him. Maybeck kept part of the site from being filled, to form the lagoon. Much has been written about the Palace itself, with its magnificent domed rotunda, the semi-circular peristyle, the Corinthian columns, and the curving gallery in which the valuable artwork was exhibited. Maybeck himself wrote ''.... I find that the keynote of a Fine Arts Palace should be that of sadness modified by the feeling that beauty has a soothing influence.''
                    Mark White would work in collaboration with Maybeck at various  
                    times for the rest of his professional career. Maybeck opened  
                    his own office in 1895 at 307 Sansome Street, which was later  
                    lost, along with all of his records, in the 1906 earthquake  
                    and fire. In 1907 Maybeck opened a new office at 35 Montgomery  
                    During Maybeck's long career he designed over 150 buildings  
                    in California, the majority of them being houses in Berkeley,  
                    but with several in San Francisco. Two of the earliest, in
                    1909, were in Presidio Heights - a townhouse for Samuel Goslinsky  
                    at 3233 Pacific, and the much larger Tudor-style corner house  
                    for Leon Roos at 3500 Jackson, now San Francisco Landmark  

                    In Forest Hill he designed 51 Sotelo (1913), 270 Castenada
                    (1916), 275 Pacheco (1917), and the Association Clubhouse
                    at 381 Magellan (1919). Examples of his commercial work in
                    the City can be found on Telegraph Hill at 1736 Stockton (1907-28),
                    now the 'Maybeck Building' offices, and the Earle C. Anthony
                    Packard showroom at 901 Van Ness (1926), now San Francisco
                    Landmark #153.<br>
                    In 1910, Maybeck was selected to design the First Church of
                    Christ, Scientist, in Berkeley, now widely regarded as an
                    architectural masterpiece. Much later he was to design Principia
                    College in Elsah, in Jersey County, Illinois, also for the
                    Christian Scientists. Maybeck's involvement with Principia
                    began in 1923 and lasted until 1940, carrying his San Francisco
                    office through the Depression. Eleven of Maybeck's original
                    buildings remain, nearly all steel-framed or reinforced concrete
                    construction. In 1993 Principia College was added to the National
                    Register of Historic Places.<br>
                    Maybeck's best known legacy to San Francisco architecture
                    is the Palace of Fine Arts and Lagoon, designed for the [[SAILING TO BYZANTIUM: 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition|Panama-Pacific
                    International Exposition of 1915]]. Willis Polk was the Chairman
                    of the Board of Architects for this World's Fair. Polk conceived
                    a 'Walled City of Palaces' for the Exposition and was so impressed
                    with Maybeck's initial sketches for the Fine Arts building
                    that he turned over its design to him. Maybeck kept part of
                    the site from being filled, to form the lagoon. Much has been
                    written about the Palace itself, with its magnificent domed
                    rotunda, the semi-circular peristyle, the Corinthian columns,
                    and the curving gallery in which the valuable artwork was
                    exhibited. Maybeck himself wrote ''.... I find that the
                    keynote of a Fine Arts Palace should be that of sadness modified
                    by the feeling that beauty has a soothing influence.''
[[Image:Palace Arts1in.jpg]]
[[Image:Palace Arts1in.jpg]]

                    <font size="1"><i>Palace of Fine Arts, Rotunda<br>
'''Palace of Fine Arts, Rotunda'''
                    Photo courtesy of Ralston Independent Works</i></font><br>
''Photo courtesy of Ralston Independent Works''
                  <p align="left"> When the Exposition closed in December 1915,  
When the Exposition closed in December 1915, despite an attempt to preserve the entire site, only the Palace of Fine Arts, built on Presidio land, was saved. The remainder of the site had been privately owned and was sold for development, becoming the Marina residential district. The Palace of Fine Arts was rebuilt in the 1960's in concrete, thanks to the effort and financial support of philanthropist Walter S. Johnson, and its art gallery now houses a theater and the Exploratorium. Recently, the [ Maybeck Foundation]  has embarked upon a three-year $15 million campaign to restore the Palace to Maybeck's original plans.
                    despite an attempt to preserve the entire site, only the Palace  
                    of Fine Arts, built on Presidio land, was saved. The remainder  
In 1951 Maybeck was the first Bay Area architect to be awarded the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal of Honor. In a recent AIA poll, Maybeck was ranked ninth on a top ten list of the greatest architects this country has ever produced. He died on October 3, 1957 at the age of 95, one year after his beloved wife Annie.
                    of the site had been privately owned and was sold for development,  
                    becoming the Marina residential district. The Palace of Fine  
                    Arts was rebuilt in the 1960's in concrete, thanks to the  
                    effort and financial support of philanthropist Walter S. Johnson,  
                    and its art gallery now houses a theater and the Exploratorium.  
                    Recently, the [ Maybeck Foundation]   
                    has embarked upon a three-year $15 million campaign to restore  
                    the Palace to Maybeck's original plans.<br>

                    In 1951 Maybeck was the first Bay Area architect to be awarded
''Entry taken from the [ website] of David Parry and is used by permission. Unauthorized use of this copyrighted material is strictly forbidden without permission from the author.''
                    the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal of Honor.  
                    In a recent AIA poll, Maybeck was ranked ninth on a top ten
                    list of the greatest architects this country has ever produced.
                    He died on October 3, 1957 at the age of 95, one year after
                    his beloved wife Annie.</p>

                  <p align="left"><i>Entry taken from the website of David Parry
                    at <a href=""></a>
                    and is used by permission. Unauthorized use of this copyrighted
                    material is strictly forbidden without permission from the

[[category:Encyclopedia]] [[category:architecture]] [[category:1860s]] [[category:1880s]] [[category:1890s]] [[category:1900s]] [[category:1910s]]
[[category:Encyclopedia]] [[category:architecture]] [[category:1860s]] [[category:1880s]] [[category:1890s]] [[category:1900s]] [[category:1910s]] [[category:Famous characters]] [[category:1950s]]

Revision as of 22:53, 2 December 2008


Bernard Ralph Maybeck was born February 7, 1862 in New York City, the son of German immigrant parents. His father Bernhardt was a cabinet maker, specializing in architectural carving, who had emigrated to the United States in 1851. Bernard's mother, Elisa, died when he was three and he was brought up in his maternal grandfather's house. At private schools in New York he obtained a broad liberal arts education, including French, German, philosophy and the arts. In 1881 his father arranged for him to be apprenticed in Paris. Soon after arriving there, Maybeck applied to enter the prestigious architectural school, L'École des Beaux-Arts. After five years of intensive training, based in the atelier of Jules André, Maybeck had completed the equivalent amount of work to French students who were awarded the diplome. Maybeck returned to New York in 1886 and started work for the newly-formed firm of Carrère & Hastings, contributing to the designs of two Florida hotels, the Ponce de Leon and the Alcazar.

By 1889, Maybeck was ready to establish his own practice and selected Kansas City as the location. However the nationwide economic depression of the late 1880's meant that there were few opportunities there. While in Kansas City though, Maybeck met the White family, including father Henry, sons John and Mark, and daughter Annie. In 1890, Willis Polk encouraged Maybeck to move out to San Francisco. Maybeck proposed to Annie White and they relocated to the Bay Area, settling in Berkeley. Annie became his secretary and business agent, as well as his lifelong companion.

In San Francisco Maybeck worked first for architects Wright & Sanders and then, for a year, as an interior designer. In 1891 he joined the office of architect A. Page Brown, contributing to the design and then supervising the construction in Chicago of the California Building for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, and later working on the Administration Building and the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building for the 1894 Midwinter Fair in San Francisco.

In 1894, the Reverend Joseph Worcester, pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem and an architectural patron in the City, commissioned Brown to design the Swedenborgian Church at the corner of Lyon and Washington streets in Pacific Heights. Along with Maybeck, architect A. C. Schweinfurth, and artists Bruce Porter and William Keith also collaborated on the design. Examples of all of their contributions to the final result may still be seen in the Church. Author Charles Keeler, for whom Maybeck had designed a home in the Berkeley hills, writes about the mutual respect of Worcester and Maybeck and clearly attributes the design of the church to Maybeck. Thanks to a long effort by church elders and staff from the award-winning architectural and historic preservation company, Architectural Resources Group, the church is now in the final stages of being added to the National Register of Historic Places

As work on the Swedenborgian Church neared completion, Maybeck was invited to apply for a position of instructor in descriptive geometry for the Civil Engineering College at the University of California, Berkeley, for the fall semester of 1894. So began an involvement with U.C. which was to last until 1903 and included his organization of a worldwide competition, funded by Phoebe Apperson Hearst, to create a comprehensive and permanent plan for development of the University. Maybeck also encountered several students, such as Lewis Hobart, Albert Lansburgh, and Julia Morgan, who were more interested in architecture than engineering. Maybeck began teaching them architectural design and encouraged them to attend L'École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, as he had done. With Maybeck's help, Julia Morgan became the first woman to be formally admitted.

In 1895, Maybeck was also appointed Director of the Architectural Section of the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, which was located in the Gothic mansion on Nob Hill designed by Wright & Sanders for Mark Hopkins, treasurer of the Central Pacific Railroad. Hopkins had died before its completion in 1878. Hopkins wife Mary remarried in 1881. Her second husband, Edward Searles, was an interior designer and art collector. When Mary died in 1891, Searles inherited most of her fortune and generously donated the mansion to the San Francisco Art Association in 1893.

Also in 1895 the Maybeck's invited the rest of the White family to join them after Henry White was forced to retire from teaching in Kansas City due to ill-health. Annie's brothers John and Mark White would work in collaboration with Maybeck at various times for the rest of his professional career. Maybeck opened his own office in 1895 at 307 Sansome Street, which was later lost, along with all of his records, in the 1906 earthquake and fire. In 1907 Maybeck opened a new office at 35 Montgomery Street.

During Maybeck's long career he designed over 150 buildings in California, the majority of them being houses in Berkeley, but with several in San Francisco. Two of the earliest, in1909, were in Presidio Heights - a townhouse for Samuel Goslinsky at 3233 Pacific, and the much larger Tudor-style corner house for Leon Roos at 3500 Jackson, now San Francisco Landmark #56.

In Forest Hill he designed 51 Sotelo (1913), 270 Castenada (1916), 275 Pacheco (1917), and the Association Clubhouse at 381 Magellan (1919). Examples of his commercial work in the City can be found on Telegraph Hill at 1736 Stockton (1907-28), now the 'Maybeck Building' offices, and the Earle C. Anthony Packard showroom at 901 Van Ness (1926), now San Francisco Landmark #153.

In 1910, Maybeck was selected to design the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Berkeley, now widely regarded as an architectural masterpiece. Much later he was to design Principia College in Elsah, in Jersey County, Illinois, also for the Christian Scientists. Maybeck's involvement with Principia began in 1923 and lasted until 1940, carrying his San Francisco office through the Depression. Eleven of Maybeck's original buildings remain, nearly all steel-framed or reinforced concrete construction. In 1993 Principia College was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Maybeck's best known legacy to San Francisco architecture is the Palace of Fine Arts and Lagoon, designed for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915. Willis Polk was the Chairman of the Board of Architects for this World's Fair. Polk conceived a 'Walled City of Palaces' for the Exposition and was so impressed with Maybeck's initial sketches for the Fine Arts building that he turned over its design to him. Maybeck kept part of the site from being filled, to form the lagoon. Much has been written about the Palace itself, with its magnificent domed rotunda, the semi-circular peristyle, the Corinthian columns, and the curving gallery in which the valuable artwork was exhibited. Maybeck himself wrote .... I find that the keynote of a Fine Arts Palace should be that of sadness modified by the feeling that beauty has a soothing influence.

Palace Arts1in.jpg

Palace of Fine Arts, Rotunda

Photo courtesy of Ralston Independent Works

When the Exposition closed in December 1915, despite an attempt to preserve the entire site, only the Palace of Fine Arts, built on Presidio land, was saved. The remainder of the site had been privately owned and was sold for development, becoming the Marina residential district. The Palace of Fine Arts was rebuilt in the 1960's in concrete, thanks to the effort and financial support of philanthropist Walter S. Johnson, and its art gallery now houses a theater and the Exploratorium. Recently, the Maybeck Foundation has embarked upon a three-year $15 million campaign to restore the Palace to Maybeck's original plans.

In 1951 Maybeck was the first Bay Area architect to be awarded the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal of Honor. In a recent AIA poll, Maybeck was ranked ninth on a top ten list of the greatest architects this country has ever produced. He died on October 3, 1957 at the age of 95, one year after his beloved wife Annie.

Entry taken from the website of David Parry and is used by permission. Unauthorized use of this copyrighted material is strictly forbidden without permission from the author.